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General FAQs

How do I make an appointment?

Simply call us at (877) 632 6637 during our working hours or you can request an appointment online using this  form.

Do I need a referral to make an appointment?

Check with your insurance company to see if a referral is necessary.

What to bring for your initial consultation?

  • Driver's License or a valid ID
  • Insurance Card (please bring a referral if this is required by your insurance)
  • Referral Letter (if required)
  • Reports, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans etc. and any other relevant information
  • List of medications (if any)

Are my medical records kept private and confidential?

Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. Our staff is bound by strict confidentiality requirements as a condition of employment regarding your medical records. We will not release the contents of your medical file without your written consent.

How do I obtain my medical records?

Surgical FAQs

Is same day surgery an option for me?

Dr. Gerlinger does perform same day surgeries. You can discuss whether or not you are a candidate for this at your initial consultation.

How long do I need time off work after the surgery?

The post-operative recovery period varies based on the particular surgery and individual. Please feel free to discuss this with the clinical staff. Generally, it is recommended patients take two weeks off work to recover from any surgery and to resume light duty following resumption of work. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions to follow for a successful recovery.

How long before I can resume driving?

You should wait at least two weeks before driving after surgery. The affects of pain medication and surgery can impact judgment and reflexes during the immediate post-op period. This can be discussed with the nurses for your particular situation.

When can I return to daily activities?

This varies depending on the type of procedure undergone, and can range from a few days to a few months. Your doctor will advise you depending on your particular procedure.

When can I resume exercise?

This will vary based on your particular surgery. You may be referred to a physical therapist to help with strengthening and range of motion exercises following surgery. You can discuss resumption of exercise with Dr. Gerlinger at your three week follow-up visit as it will vary based on your particular surgery.

Will physical therapy be required after surgery?

Improving range of motion, strength, and flexibility back after surgery usually takes time. That is where pre-operative exercise, education, and post-operative physical therapy programs come in - to ensure you are physically and emotionally prepared for surgery and to maximize your recovery after surgery.

What are the risks associated with surgery?

As with any surgery, risks include but are not limited to reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, infection, stiffness and nerve damage. Dr. Gerlinger and his team will have a thorough discussion with you regarding surgery risks for your specific case.

What are the non-surgical treatment options?

The non-surgical treatment options include lifestyle modifications, rest, medications including anti-inflammatories and/or analgesics, injections, and physical therapy. It is recommended that you exhaust your non-surgical treatment options prior to seeing Dr. Gerlinger.

What can happen if surgery is avoided?

Some complications of not undergoing joint replacement surgery include pain, loss of joint motion, joint weakness, and a decreased quality of life.

Am I going to go to a rehabilitation center after surgery?

Ideally, our preference is for patients to go home after surgery. Even patients who live alone can oftentimes be safely discharged to home. Most of the literature suggests that inpatient rehabilitation stays are associated with a higher risk of complications (particularly infection) and higher costs. Discharge plans are individualized for each patient and will be made during your inpatient stay as you work with your interdisciplinary team after surgery.

What do I do if I have a question after hours?

If you have an urgent question pertaining to your hip or knee that cannot wait until the next business day, the on-call joint fellow can be reached at 312-243-4244.

What if I have an emergency?

In general, we strongly recommend against going to the emergency room unless you feel you have a true emergency. Hence, we strongly recommend trying to contact us with any hip or knee related concerns during normal business hours so our team can further guide you. If you feel that you need to report to the emergency room, we do prefer that you present to RUMC ED.

If you are experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, please call 911 or present to your nearest emergency room.